Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Activity
First we watched this short video clip of "Meg and Mog", after the children had to pair up and write the most revolting, stomach-turning recipy ever!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Il-vaganzi tas-sajf
Fis-sajf in-nanna u n-nannu ta' Franza ġew hawn Malta għall-vaganzi tas-sajt. Jien ħadt pjaċir ngħum magħhom. Ħadnihom ġurnata Għawdex biex jaraw il-postijiet sbieħ ta' hemmhekk. Ħriġna nieklu barra għax iħobbu l-ħut ta' Malta u Għawdex. Il-ħut favorit tagħhom hu l-lampuki. Morna wkoll il-Belt Valletta. Hemm rajna wirja dwar il-bini ġdid li se jsir fil-Belt. Wara li telqu n-nanniet mort dawra ma' Malta bid-dgħajsa. Għal biċċa mill-vjaġġ soqt id-dgħajsa jien.
Jiddispjaċini li għadda s-sajf, imma kuntent li bdiet l-iskola!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Once a chubby caterpillar
Sat upon a leaf,
Singing, "Eat, eat and be merry -
Life is very brief."
Soon he lost his appetite
And changed his merry tune.
He started spinning, hid himself
Inside a hard cocoon.
And he was still and quiet there -
Day after day went by.
At last it cracked and he emerged,
A gorgeous butterfly.
He spread his brown and crimson winds
And warmed them in the sun
And sang, "Now I must see the world -
My life has just begun."
by Wendy Cope
Once a chubby caterpillar
Sat upon a leaf,
Singing, "Eat, eat and be merry -
Life is very brief."
Soon he lost his appetite
And changed his merry tune.
He started spinning, hid himself
Inside a hard cocoon.
And he was still and quiet there -
Day after day went by.
At last it cracked and he emerged,
A gorgeous butterfly.
He spread his brown and crimson winds
And warmed them in the sun
And sang, "Now I must see the world -
My life has just begun."
by Wendy Cope
Friday, October 23, 2009
In class we are learning about Global Warming. Daniel Attard did this powerpoint presentation. Thanks for the information Daniel you are GREAT!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
All about me
My name is Shelly and my surname is Briffa. I am eight years old. My eyes are brown and my hair is light brown and it is very long. My height is 1.25cm. For my age I am a little bit short but thanks God I am strong. In my family I am the third one and the youngest. I have a brother his name is Sean and he is fifteen years old. My sister’s name is Samira, she is ten years old. My hobbies are singing and dancing. My favourite food is pasta. I like to drink Coke. My school’s name is St. Theresa College. When I grow up I would like to be a nurse to look after people when they are sick.
My name is Shelly and my surname is Briffa. I am eight years old. My eyes are brown and my hair is light brown and it is very long. My height is 1.25cm. For my age I am a little bit short but thanks God I am strong. In my family I am the third one and the youngest. I have a brother his name is Sean and he is fifteen years old. My sister’s name is Samira, she is ten years old. My hobbies are singing and dancing. My favourite food is pasta. I like to drink Coke. My school’s name is St. Theresa College. When I grow up I would like to be a nurse to look after people when they are sick.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Follow this powerpoint so that you revise what we did in class. Common nouns like 'boy' and proper nouns like 'Luke'...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tommy Tales
Click here to read the first story of the series "Tommy Tales". In class we read how Taffy found a magical remote control. Where did Taffy and Lucy go when Tommy pressed the buttons on the clicker? In class I have all the 37 adventures of Tommy and his friends....
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Din is-sena l-iskola tagħna daħlet fi proġett jismu "Green Harmony" fejn ser nitgħallmu aktar dwar l-ambjent u x'nistgħu nagħmlu aħna. Is-sena l-oħra t-tfal tal-klassi tiegħi kienu jsegwu l-aħbarijiet u kull aħbar li għandha x'taqsam ma' l-ambjent konna nitkellmu fuqha fil-klassi - ikklikja hawn biex tisma' l-aħbarijiet. Fil-klassi għidilna waħda milli smajt!
Amy's Armbands
Amy is a girl. Her uncle is an inventor. Amy likes swimming but she doesn't like to wear silly armbands. But when Amy came home she saw a big present on the floor. It was from Uncle Albert. They were armbands. Amy wished that the size was not right but they were good! Uncle Albert wrote "Don't get them wet." The armbands were special
Chloe Farrugia
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
If you have some free time work out this English handout and bring to school. Click on the word 'download'.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Play Funky Mummy 20... friends of 20.. just like we are doing in class.
To find this game :
1. Click Numeracy
2. Click Number Facts
3. Find Funky Mummy 20 and enjoy :-)
To find this game :
1. Click Numeracy
2. Click Number Facts
3. Find Funky Mummy 20 and enjoy :-)
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