Friday, February 26, 2010


Click on this site and get familiar with the Mediterranian region especially those countries we are learning and talking about in class!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Primary Science News

Check e-mails I sent a copy of the 'Primary Science News' make sure you participate in the competition:-)

100 - Ċentinarju

Illum ħadna sehem fiċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet li qed isiru f'Birkirkara, b'tifkira tal-100 sena mill-inkurunazzjoni tal-Madonna tal-Ħerba. L-ewwel morna fil-bażilika ta' Santa Liena - hemmhekk pinġejna xeni fejn tidher il-Madonna. Wara f'katina morna sas-Santwarja. Fis-Santwarju rajna ħafna kwadri tal-wiegħda.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Dinah Saw

This week we started reading this lovely poem called 'What Dinah Saw'. This poem is about a girl called Dinah and a dinosaur.

Click hear to visit two sites with information and games about dinosaurs:
Site 1
Site 2

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Read English Study book page 34.
Now try this game:-) Just like we did in class!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Map of Malta

Click here to explore an interactive map of our islands!
Click here to read some information about the importance of maps.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


In class we are learning how to round numbers. Follow the note on your Maths study book pg 25.
Click here to round numbers to their nearest 10.
Click here to round numbers to their nearest 100.
Now play this game - just like we did in class.
Remember 1,2,3,4 round down
5,6,7,8,9 round up!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh Happy Day!!

Yesterday we celebrated carnival. The children came to school in their carnival costumes. We did some crafts related to the "Dinja Wahda" project, we ate muffins and watched the different carnival activities organised by different classes in the school yard.

A big 'prosit' goes to the Year 3 classes - they did the traditional 'parata tal-karnival'. This dance opens the carnival in Valletta. Read this information :
Il-Karnival jibda s-sibt bil-Parata din hija żifna bix-xwabel li tirrafigura ġlieda. Il-Parata bdiet issir biex tiġi mfakkra r-rebħa tal-Kavallieri fuq it-Torok fl-Assedju ta’ l-1565. Fiha għandek żewġ gruppi wieħed liebes ta’ Kavallieri u l-ieħor liebes ta’ Torok u dawn jibdew taqtiha bix-xwabel, naturalment iż-żifna tispiċċa bir-rebħa tal-Kavallieri. Fl-aħħar taż-żifna dawk lebsin ta’ Kavallieri jgħollu fuq l-idejn tifla bi stallett f’idha msejħa l-Għarusa li tirrappreżenta r-rebħa.
Enjoy your holidays but make sure you read at least 20 minutes each day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dinja Wahda - crafts

Next Friday we are going to learn how to do a pom-pom... for this you need to bring with you three balls of wool:
1. Brown wool
2. Orange wool
3. White wool

Carnival is coming!

Hip hip hooray - after our half yearly exams we will celebrate carnival on the 12th! We are really looking forward. Here are the lion masks that we did during our midweek at school. Can you guess who's behind those masks?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Way Ahead classwork

This is what Kayleigh and Kimberly wrote yesterday as part of their school work:

Jill is walking on the long, blue bridge which leads to the lighthouse. Dad is sleeping against the big tree. Emma is chasing a blue and yellow butterfly. Ned is jumping into the pond and two fish came flopping out!

Well Done! - and a warm welcome to Kayleigh Ann :-)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Just a little reminder that at school we are collecting donations to help SPCA Malta. SPCA stands for 'Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals'.

Fruit and Veg

Please do remember that on Thursday we receive our weekly portion of fruit or veg - so don't forget your teaspoon or small fork!