Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Solar System

Thanks Daniel for this lovely presentation on our Solar System - a topic that we will soon be talking about during our Social Studies lessons.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Right angles

Check this game to see what you know about right angles - use the football ground only!

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Bank Robbery - English Picture Composition

Once upon a time there was a little girl walking past a bank. She was out because she had to go to buy from the greengrocer for her mum. Along the way she met a strange man. He was wearing a stripped t-shirt and a plain pair of trousers and his face was covered with beard. On his back he was carrying a sack full of money. Instantly she remembered that yesterday she heard that a robber had escaped from prison. She made up her mind to knock him down on the floor. At once he fell and the sack of money opened and all the money got out. Immediately she went to the police station and reported what had happened. For her bravness the Local Council rewarded her and gave her fifty euros!

Yasmine Galea

Verbs - Past

This week we started learning the past of some irregular verbs... try this crossword to check what you have learnt!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Pajjiżi li jmissu mal-Mediterran

Benoit kiteb din l-informazzjoni fuq l-ITALJA:

L-Italja huwa pajjiż kbir ħafna. Fih popolazzjoni ta' madwar ħamsin miljun ruħ. Il-Belt kapitali jisimha Ruma. Ġewwa Ruma insibu l-Vatikan fejn jgħix il-Papa. Ġewwa Ruma nsibu l-Kolossew ukoll. It-Taljani huma magħrufa ħafna għal ikel tajjeb li għandhom u l-inbid. It-Taljani huma tajbin ħafna għal isports speċjalment il-futbol fejn huma rebħu t-tazza tad-dinja erba' darbiet fl-1934, 1938, 1982 u fl-2006. Aħna l-Maltin inħobbu inżuru l-Italja peress li huwa pajjiż ġar tagħna!